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China Guardian Hong Kong 2016 Spring Auctions - Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Four Seas

Please note the following information regarding the sale of “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Four Seas” of China Guardian Hong Kong 2016 Spring Auctions:

1. Lot 0066, 0067, 0068, 0268 add an additional provenance, from The Collection of Lu Qingyu.

2. Lot 0112, ‘Calligraphy in Seal Script’ by Wu Jingheng is withdrawn.

3. Lot 0195, ‘Calligraphy in Running Script ‘by Qi Gong, the estimate should be HKD 280,000-380,000.

4. Lot 0234, ‘Seven-character Couplet in Cursive Script’ by Qi Gong, the estimate should be HKD300,000-400,0000.

5. Lot 0240, ‘Poems in Running Script’ by Pu Ru should be ten pieces. The size of the 10th is 28 x 18 cm.

6. Lot 0314, ‘The Third Removal of Menius’s Mother’ by Qian Hui’an, the estimate should be HKD 5,000-10,000.

7. Lot 0334, ‘Bird and Flower’ by Huang Huanwu add an additional publication, please refer to Chinese text.


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