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China Guardian Hong Kong 2016 Spring Auctions - Classical Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Please note the following information regarding the sale of “Classical Chinese Painting and Calligraphy” of China Guardian Hong Kong 2016 Spring Auctions:

1. Lot 0455, ‘Five-character Poem in Regular Script’ by Jiaqing Emperor, the estimate should be HKD HKD180,000-280,000

2. Lot 0460, ‘Mountain Scenery ‘by Fang Congyi, the estimate should be HKD 5,000,000-6,000,000

3. Lot 0498, ‘Poem in Cursive Script’ by Fu Shan, the estimate should be HKD 600,000-800,000

4. Lot 0501, ‘Scholars by Waterfall’ by Sheng Maoye has an additional publication: Please refer to Chinese Version

5. Lot 0503, ‘Mountain and Stream’ by Wang Yuanqi, the estimate should be HKD 500,000-800,000

6. Lot 0539-0541 has an additional provenance: from the Collection of Zhu’s Jiu Ru Yuan


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