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China Guardian prepares to consign treasures in Beijing


After gaining many excellent artworks from its consignment in famous cultural cities through China’s north to south, China Guardian is back to its Beijing headquarters to hold the public consignment at Guardian Art Center from March 8 to 10.


The scope of the consignment includes Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Porcelain and Works of Art, Furniture, Rare Books, Stamps and Covers, Coins, and Banknotes.


We are looking forward to our friends coming to Guardian Art Center to share the treasures and have a good time together.


China Guardian prepares to consign treasures in Beijing 


|  Beijing, March 8-10  |



March 8-10 (Mon-Wed)

10:00-12:00 14:00-17:30



B2, Customer service center, Guardian Art Center

No.1 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 



(86-20) 3808 8589


Please scan the code to make an appointment


Zhu Dunru Calligraphy

34.5×46.2 cm

Price Realized: RMB 150,650,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020



Fu Baoshi Landscape

Fu Baoshi’s painting: 84.5×58.5 cm

Xu Beihong’s poem: 23×58.5 cm

Price Realized: RMB 138,000,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020



Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty

Blue and white flower and fruit vase

H 29 cm

Price Realized: RMB 25,300,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020



Late Ming and early Qing dynasties

Red sandalwood canopy bed with waist, horseshoe foot,

four column lantern, and brocade fence

211×141×228 cm

Price Realized: RMB 20,700,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020



The appointment letter of Zhan Zhiyi

Chunxi period of Southern Song Dynasty

Length: 546 cm

Hand roll: 68×29.5 cm

Letter: 235.5×25.2 cm

Preface and postscript: 242.5×30.7 cm

Price Realized: RMB 18,400,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020


Ming Dynasty

Gold round pot with dragon pattern inlaid with gems

H 25 cm, D 7 cm, W 898 g

Price Realized: RMB 5,635,000

China Guardian Autumn Auctions 2020





China Guardian Auctions Co., Ltd (headquarters)

Customer service:(86-10)8592 8288-3

Accounting service:(86-10)8592 8288-4

Media cooperation:(86-10)8592 8288-5

Transportation consulting:(86-10)8592 8229

E-bidding consulting:150 1000 6220 / 159 1080 7786

Official website:m.woeiswo.com

Email address: mail@cguardian.com

Address: 3/F, Guardian Art Center, No. 1 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing



China Guardian (Hong Kong) International Auction Co., Ltd

Customer service:( 852 ) 2815 2269

Email address: hkauction@cguardian.com.hk

Address:5/F, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong



Contacts of our regional offices

Shanghai Office

( 86-21 ) 5466 0508



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( 86-20 ) 3808 8589



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( 86-25 ) 8670 2356



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( 86-571 ) 8535 9925



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( 852) 2815 2269



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( 886) 2 2757 6228



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( 81-3 ) 6206 6682



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( 212) 308 8889 / ( 888 ) 799 8830



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(001)778 865 3308 / 778 372 8358


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